“CrossFit has made me mentally and physically stronger. It’s very challenging, but the community is the best part. We are a family. We encourage one another daily and face the challenge together. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced. I was hooked after my first week and that was over four years ago. It’s given me confidence and makes me more driven to always do my best.”
-Jana Freels, CFFC Member
“I’ve been a member of CrossFit First Creek since the doors first opened, and I have been doing CrossFit for almost 7 years. When I first started, I couldn’t do many of the movements and I wasn’t very strong. CrossFit First Creek has allowed me to continue to grow and develop my capacity through effective programming, dedicated coaches, and more importantly, a community of members who are committed to doing the hard things it takes to improve. It’s a great feeling to be surrounded by like-minded and driven individuals that push and support one another to be a better version of themselves.”
-Keith Wilson, CFFC Member
“CrossFit has been a staple in my life now for over two years! Usually, I have a two-year mark with exercise places when I get tired of where I am at and what I am doing. Before I started CrossFit, I seriously thought it was a ‘cult’ and I would never want to see how heavy I could lift and hurt myself. Fast forward to now – CFFC was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Not only am I challenged physically every single day, but I am also challenged mentally and emotionally to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be. You become a family with the people you workout with on a daily basis. We all cheer for each person to do their absolute best. If your best is adding any weight to the bar, GREAT. If your best is 200 pounds to the bar, GREAT (and impressive). I don’t do CrossFit to lose weight, though that certainly is a benefit. I am a CrossFitter because I love the community.”
-Ashley Bean, CFFC Member
“I first joined CFFC because I was getting tired of my regular routine at the gym and it was getting harder to really push myself. The first CrossFit WOD told me real quick that I wasn’t where I thought I was, but fast-forward to almost two years I can say that I’m in the best overall shape of my life. I wasn’t in bad shape coming into CFFC, but my body physically feels so much better than it did when I first joined in August 2018. It’s also funny how the harder you work, the easier it is to clean up your diet. I remember one day soon after I joined CFFC, one of the coaches was talking about the importance of fueling your body with the right food, which is exactly what I needed to hear. Isn’t it easier to achieve a goal when you’re surrounded by people on the same journey? Today my mobility is better than ever and I’m able to do movements that I never thought possible. The coaches do such a great job teaching techniques and how to become more efficient in your movements. I owe so much of my progress to them.
CFFC is a bunch of ordinary people that work extremely hard to get a little better in their fitness journey everyday. The cool thing is one day you look up and realize the change and results that you and everybody else in the community have experienced.”
-Kyle Grigsby, CFFC Member
“I have been in CrossFit at CFFC for the better part of three years. I also changed my diet and starting coming more each week and man did my world change. I finally saw the muscles I had been working on and my fitness level continues to increase. In the first two years, everyone at CFFC was friendly and encouraging, and made me want to continue to come back. I have friends who say they can’t do what I do, but yes you can! I started out scaling everything, and I mean everything, and still scale parts of the workouts now. That’s what I love about CrossFit, you can work out at your level, not the level of the person next to you.
Being older was a challenge at first. I have been athletic and active most of my life, but had put on weight in my glorious early 40s, so coming in and trying to workout was a challenge with a heavier, older body. But CrossFit helped me find the confidence that I could do things I thought I was too old for, and also the confidence to change my body and the state I was in. I am now 48 and in better shape than I have ever been. I’m not sure I was ever this size in high school! In addition to the support I get from my family and friends outside of the gym, the coaches and community at CFFC have no limit to their support of me and for each other.”
– Kelley Prator, CFFC Member