
Monday Motivation “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we fall.” – Confucius

CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)

2 min Cardio your choice


Med Ball/Foam Roller Bowling


10x Jump Squats

10x Push-ups

10x Situps

5x Burpees

Accessory work

Muscle-Up – January/February 2019 Skill

Complete 8 rounds of 10 sec hold @ top of rings, 20 sec rest then 10 sec hold @ bottom of rings, 20-sec rest. Each round consists of both movements totaling 8 total minutes.

• Ensure the arms are fully extended at top. Hands and elbows should be next to the body (external rotation).

• The shoulder should be below the elbow at the bottom of the dip. Again, elbows should be “in and back.”

Scaled Options:

1. Use a dip bar.

2. Feet assist (as little as possible) with either straight bar or rings.

Note: no bands for this skill work.


Warm-up (No Measure)

10x Frank to RDL

10x DB DL

10x Banded Good Mornings

10x Box Step overs stay low

5x box step overs with weight

Warmup to DL weight


Partner Dead Step (Time)

10 Rounds for time: you go I go

12 DL (225/155)

12 DB Front Rack Box Step Overs 24/20 (35/20)


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