
Merry Christmas to all of our CFFC Family and Friends!!
Please come and help us all celebrate the season, this Saturday at 7:00 PM. We will have lots of fun to share with you and your family and friends. BYOB and bring a snack to share. Wear a tacky sweater if you have it….. There will be pretty darn good prizes!

Partner Metcon

50 deadlift 205/115 (partner hold push up plank)

50 push ups (static deadlift hold)

50 box jump overs (static hang from rig)

50 pull ups (static squat hold)

50 DB burpee box overs (partner gasps for air)
Be true to your partner. 1 partner working at a time, however, your partner cannot begin to work until other partner is in the static position. The DB burpee box overs are performed with 2 db’s in your hand, do a push up then step over the box with the db’s in your hand. If we run out of db’s just use 2 kb’s. You obviously would do the push up without holding the kb then grab the kb’s before you step over the box. Your grip may be fried but that’s okay. We’re crossfitters. We’re tough.


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