
New Years Motivation – “If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. If broken by an inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from the inside.”

CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit

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Back Squat Warmup (No Measure)

1 min Row

1 min Bike

8 Cossack Squat

8 Samson Stretch

8 Spiderman with Reach

8 PVC kang squat. Video:

8 Empty bar kang squat.

3 sets of 5 squats warming up to opening weight


Back Squat (3×5)

New Strength program we are using old 1RM and we will use 90% of it for the percentages here on out. So if your 1RM in the Back Squat is 315 pounds, you use 285 (90%) as the base number for your training-weight calculations. If in doubt lean toward the lighter side and make sure they are good quality reps. Quality ALWAYS trumps anything else!

Set 1 @65%

Set 2 @75%

Set 3 @85%


Metcon (10 Rounds for time)

Dumpster Fire

This is a SPRINT

Every 2 min for 10 Rounds of:

•10 Row (cal)

•12 KB Swings (1.5/1)

•14 Air squats

Score: Slowest Round


Kettle Bell Load (shoot for unbroken)

Total Rep Scales​:

1.8 cal Row/10 KBS/12 AS

2.6 cal Row/8 KBS/10 AS


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