CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit

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Bench Press (6 x 4)

3 sets of 4 close grip bench (pinkys on grooving). Gradually add weight, reaching last weeks weight + 5/10lbs

Using the same weight, do 3 sets of 4 at a normal bench grip (thumbs length from the grooving)

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

500 M Row

25 ab mat sit-ups

15 Burpees

500 M Row

25 ab mat sit-ups

15 Burpees


500 M Row

25 GHD sit-ups

20 Burpees

500 M Row

25 GHD sit-ups

20 Burpees
Both RX and RX+ options are designed to be a sprint. Stick with Abmat sit-ups if you are not confident in your GHD sit-ups.

The movement is used to strengthen the quads and core, this is done by aggressively extending the knees while sitting up. If you are not doing this, there will be a lot of pressure on your lower back. We want to keep you safe and healthy, so do these with correct form.


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