CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit


Deadlift (6×4 )

Warm up window should take no longer than 6 minutes for the deadlift. Build to about 80% and do all 6 sets at that weight. Share bars men, we don’t have enough weights for you beasts.


Metcon (Time)

12 American swings

20 unbroken double unders

15 American swings

20 unbroken dubs

18 american swings

20 unbroken dubs

21 american swings

20 unbroken dubs

24 american swings

20 unbroken dubs

*If you do not complete the double unders unbroken there is a 5 burpee penalty after that round. Even if it takes you 4 sets to complete the double unders you still only do 5 burpees. 40 unbroken singles.
Ascending reps on the swings. Make the swings heavy. 80 total swings. Shoulder smoker here.

18 minute time cap!!

Accessory work

Warm-up (No Measure)

3 rounds for quality:

12 strict pushups

12 v ups

:15 sec hollow hold
Running clock, use a phone if you have to. As soon as you get done with your 12th v up go straight into the hollow rock. Don’t let your heels or shoulders touch the ground until the 15 seconds is up. This is optional work. Get better at your push-ups here!! If your push-ups lose their quality the reps should go down. This is for strength.


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