CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit


KB Complex (5×12)

Every 2:00 for 10:00

3 double KB swing

3 double KB hang clean

3 double KB front squat

3 double KB push jerk


3×12 double KB sumo deadlift
Scoring weight is kb weight. Sumo deadlift for accessory work. Don’t go too heavy. Feel good, tension in your glutes and shoulders.


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

11 minute AMRAP

100d/200s jump rope buy in

3 toes to bar

3 handstand pushup

6+6, 9+9……

Score will be rounds + reps

If you make it through the 15’s thats 5 rounds, through the 21’s would be 7 rounds.

Scale handstand push-ups to pike push-ups, deficit push-ups. Toes to bar, knee to elbows, straight leg raise, sit-ups


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