CrossFit First Creek – Saturday CrossFit WOD

Becky served for our country but did not die in the line of duty. She came home….alive. Physically she was fine. Mentally, she suffered greatly from PTSD. Unfortunately, Becky, like so many others that serve our country, took her own life Aug 31, 2015. When Becky got out of the Navy, she coached at CrossFit The Tracks in Kentucky. Apparently, an amazing CrossFit athlete but extremely good at hiding the pain that was affecting her. Those that serve our country are 50% more likely to commit suicide. Do this WOD for Becky and keep in mind it should be for any other veterans out there that have come home with PTSD and fallen victim to it.

CFFC will do this WOD at 8:30 and 10:30 in memory of our own Andy Kurtz’s brother Luke.

Metcon (Time)


800m Run

30 Snatches (95,65)

400m Run

30 Hang Cleans (95,65)

200m Run

30 Back Squats

400m Run

30 Push Ups

800m Run

30 Pull Ups


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