CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit

DB/KB Shoulder Press (5 x 5)

Dumbbell or Kettlebell Seated Shoulder Press

*Keep good posture

*Tight Core

*End rep with elbows locked and weight directly over shoulder

5 sets of 5 reps

**Superset with 5 x 6 Bent Flys**

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Partner Metcon:

25 Minute AMRAP of:

400 M Run Together

40 SDLHP (95/65) (split)

40 Burpees over bar (split)

400 M Run Together

60 Front Squats (95/65) (split)

60 Push-ups (split)

400 M Run Together

40 Handstand Push-ups (split)

40 Abmat Sit-ups (split)
Run counts as 2 reps. (200M each rep)


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