CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit
Back Squat (5×5+)
** Superset**
5×8 RDL each leg. Your coach will explain this to you. Elevate on a plate if possible. Opposite arm/opposite leg on the RDL’s. (20 minute cap)
Use at least 100% of your front squat number from 12/2 on ALL sets. The last set of your back squat is as many reps as possible. Make the pump a reality. Your coach will explain how to bail for those of you who don’t know. Log in the comments how many reps you get on your last set.
Metcon (Time)
3-6-9-12 reps of:
Power Clean (135/85)
Toe to Bar
-Rest 3 minutes-
12-9-6-3 reps of:
Power Clean
Toe to Bar
Moderately heavy cleans coupled with gymnastics. A total of 60 cleans sounds like a lot but they are broken down into smaller sets so use a heavier weight than you think if you’re not going prescribed. Singles are just as fast as unbroken sets and are more efficient in the long run. Toes to bar should be close to unbroken. Scale to straight leg raise, keeping a good kip, aiming for your toes to reach above your belly buttons at least. Go fast!!
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