CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit

Twelve Days of Christmas WOD (CFFC) (Time)

1st Day 1 Front Squat (Rx 135/85) (Rx+ 155/105)

2nd Day 2 Clean and Jerk (135/85) (Rx+ 155/105)

3rd Day 3 Dead Lifts (135/85) (Rx+ 155/105)

4th Day 4 HSPU

5th Day 5 Burpees

6th Day 6 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)

7th Day Sit Ups

8th Day 8 KB Lunges (53/35) (Rx+ 70/53)

9th Day 9 KB Swings (53/35) (Rx+ 70/53)

10th Day 10 Pull Ups

11th Day 11 Calorie Row

12th Day 12 Snatches (135/85) (Rx+ 155/105)

Scrooged (Time)

3 Rounds AFAP

10 Thrusters 95/65

20 Push Ups

10 Front Squats 95/65

20 OH Lunges 15/10

10 Cleans 95/65

20 Push Ups

10 KB Swings 53/35


10 Thrusters 135/95

10 HSPUs

10 Front Squats 135/95

20 OH Lunges 45/25

10 Cleans 135/95

10 HSPUs

10 KB Swings 70/53


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