New Years Motivation – “If an egg is broken by an outside force, life ends. If broken by an inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from the inside.”
CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit
Shoulder Press Warmup (No Measure)
2 min Foam Roll
15-20 Cat-Cow + 10 Posted Thoracic Twists per side
Wall Slides (or Floor Slides if you are really tight) x 10
On the Floor thumbs up Y’s, T’s and W’s x 5-10 each
Shoulder Pre-Hab
5 Empty Bar Shoulder Press
Warmup to starting weight
Shoulder Press (3×5)
New Strength program we are using old 1RM and we will use 90% of it for the percentages here on out. So if your 1RM in the Back Squat is 315 pounds, you use 285 (90%) as the base number for your training-weight calculations. If in doubt lean toward the lighter side and make sure they are good quality reps. Quality ALWAYS trumps anything else!
Set 1 @65%
Set 2 @75%
Set 3 @85%
Warm-up (No Measure)
10 Empty Bar Good mornings
10 Empty Bar Front Squats
10 Empty Bar Thrusters
Warmup DL with 3-5 sets of 3-5 reps
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
AMRAP in 12 min of:
•Wallballs (20/14)
•Deadlifts (225/155)
(The deadlift weight should be around 60% or less of your 1RM. This should be a weight that allows you to knock out sets of 5-10 in the WOD.)
Scale the load to 50-60% of the athlete’s 1RM DL, not to exceed the specified RX loading.
Wall Ball:
Scale the load to that which the athlete can throw 12 consecutive reps in a row with 100% accuracy hitting the 10’ target and achieving proper depth.
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