CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit


Metcon (Distance)

:30 on :30 off alternating for 8 minutes

1. Max distance hand stand walk

2. Ring L-sit
**If you can’t hand stand walk, perform :30 of hand stand hold practice. Whether that’s in a pike pushup on a box, or against the wall trying to find center of gravity, with a partner and you both holding one another’s feet alternating the :30. Mark turf for distance

Ring L-sit doesn’t have to be :30 consecutive but that’s the goal. :15 on :05 off :10 on would be an example of how to split work/rest if you can’t hold entire :30.

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

10 –> 1 (decreasing by 1)

Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

20 –> 2 (decreasing by 2’s)

Medball Sit-ups (20/14)


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