CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit

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DB Bench Press (3×12)

3 sets of:

6 DB flat bench

6 DB bench w/ 4 sec eccentric phase


100′ Farmers carry x 3 sets

Go pretty easy here. Nothing too heavy on the DB bench or farmers carry. Good warmup pace for the metcon.


Metcon (Time)

For time:

1,500/1,200 m row (buy in or cash out)

2 rounds:

20 Ring dips

100 double unders (200 singles)

40 DB overhead squat (50/35)

20 minute cap
Row can be buy in or cash out in order to split larger classes up. Single DB on the overhead squat. Alternating arms as needed. You can do all 40 reps with your left or right arm. If mobility is lacking on OHS, reduce the DB weight or move to pvc.


2k/ 1,750m row

2 rounds:

30/25 ring dips

200 double unders

50 DB overhead squat (60/40)


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