Metcon (No Measure)
6 minute EMOM of: 10 kip swings + 5 T2B
-Following EMOM-
3 x 6 Strict T2B
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
15 Burpee Over Bar
5 Clean and Jerks (205/125)
12 Burpee Over Bar
4 C & J
9 Burpee Over Bar
3 C & J
6 Burpee Over Bar
2 C & J
3 Burpee Over Bar
1 C & J
Cool down (No score)
2 Rounds:
Single Leg Bridges 10 reps each leg
Double Leg Bridge (2sec pause @ top) 15 reps
Side Plank 1 min (30 sec each side)
*If needing more of a challenge, use bench as incline for single leg bridges and raise top leg into star position on side planks.
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