
Monday Motivation:
Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.
-Theodore Roosevelt.

Last week to sign up for the Crossfit Open to be included in our very own competition. Signup at

CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit


Bench Press (8×3 @ 85%)

Make sure you at least have 3 sets at 85%.


Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)

4 minutes on; 1 minute off x 4

10 Wallball 30/20

7 Toes to bar

2-4-6-8… Muscle ups

(Ascending reps)
Score each round of total muscle ups/ chest to bar pullups.. After each round start back with 2 muscle ups to begin.

Muscle ups can be ring or bar. Chose whatever you need practice at, just comment your specifications. Ring/bar, Jumping muscle ups, jumping/banded chest to bar pullups..

**Muscle-ups are RX+, Chest to bar is RX**


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