CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit

DB/KB Shoulder Press (3 x 10)

Dumbbell or Kettlebell Seated Shoulder Press

*Keep good posture

*Tight Core

*End rep with elbows locked and weight directly over shoulder

3 sets of 10 reps

**Superset with 3 x 7 Elevated Bridges (2 sec pause at top)**

Metcon (Time)

For Time:

21/18 Cal Assault Bike

12 Power Cleans (95/65)

12 Box Overs (24/20)

15/12 Cal Assault Bike

9 Power Cleans

9 Box Overs

9/6 Cal Assault Bike

6 Power Cleans

6 Box Overs

15/12 Cal Assault Bike

9 Power Cleans

9 Box Overs

21/18 Cal Assault Bike

12 Power Cleans

12 Box Overs

Power Cleans (135/85)

Box Jump Overs 30/24


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