CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit

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1 Power Snatch-1 Hang Power Snatch-1 OH Squat (4 x 3 )

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Partner WOD

16 Minute AMRAP of:

100 Wallballs (20/14)

75 Toes to Bar

50 Burpees

*Partner 1 accumulates reps

*Partner 2 Runs 200M
200 M run counts as 20 reps each. If the clock is still running and you take off on run you can finish the entire run for 20 reps. (Partner 1 has to stop accumulating reps at 16 Min mark)

In order for partner 1 to accumulate reps, partner 2 must take off on run.

Score in Wodify is total reps you and your partner complete together.


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