CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
• 10 PVC pass throughs, standing
• 10 Air Squats
• 10 PVS pass throughs, laying prone on floor
• 10 OHS
• Lax ball t-spine with double laxball, 2 min
• Squat hold ankle mobility, 1 min / side: hold the bottom of a squat while shifting weight into one foot and driving the knee forward and back to mobilize the ankle.
• 2×5 OHS, decreasing the distance of the grip on the bar each set, while still maintaining full depth
• 2×5 OHS, decreasing the distance of the feet in the squat stance, while still maintaining full depth. Use regular OHS grip.
• 2×5 OHS, decreasing the distance of the feet and the hands simultaneously
Note: For athletes who are not challenged by the PVC, have them use weighted PVC or light barbells.
Using an empty barbell, perform 3-5 reps of each of the following movements:
Dip, drive, shrug 3 reps each
• The athlete starts with the bar held in a snatch grip.
• The dip is a vertical dip with no forward inclination of the chest.
• The drive is the straightening of the legs.
“stand first, then shrug.”
Dip, drive, shrug + high elbows
• Encourage proper bar path the elbows should move high and outside while they stay over the wrists.
High Hang Power Snatch 3 reps
Behind the neck snatch grip Push Jerk 6 reps
• Start by receiving the bar in the power position.
• Catch the bar lower each rep until you are catching in a full squat, i.e, a snatch balance.
Hang Squat Snatch
• Start from above the knee.
3×3 Building to opening weight
• Stand Barbell to complete extension before starting next rep
Hang Squat Snatch 7×1
Rope Climb – December 2018 Skill (10-8-6-4-2)
Every 90 seconds complete 10-8-6-4-2 of:
Seated straddle alternating rope pulls.
• Begin the first set with 10 reps, the 2nd set 8 reps, and so on.
• Each pull=1 rep
• Strive to get the lower hand to touch near the chest.
Snatch Balance
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