Warm-up (No Measure)
Toes to bar “practice”
8 minute EMOM
5 second hold at top (toes on bar) + 7 toes to bar
3×12 second L-Hold
We’ve had static holds in every position, our final hold is going to be at the very top of your toes to bar. It may be awkward but if practiced correctly you will see improvements in your toes to bar.
Back Squat (3×5; 6×3@85%)
3×5 w/ 2 sec pause in bottom
6×3 @ 85%
Fran (Time)
Thrusters, 95# / 65#
Short, fast, pedal to the metal. Make it hurt…. in a good way. Try to make your thrusters unbroken, use a band or a box for pull ups if necessary.
Masters RX = 85/55
Use this to your advantage…. intensity is everything!!
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