CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit
Back Rack Lunge (4×7 each leg)
Increase weight/deficit from last Tuesday. Be smart – chest up, tight belly, focus on standing tall through your working glute.
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
4:00 on 1:00 off (3 rounds)
Round 1:
15/12 calorie row
30 Deadlift 115/75
Max Wallballs
Round 2:
15/12 calorie row
20 hang clean 115/75
Max deficit pushups
Round 3:
15/12 calorie row
10 squat snatch 115/75
Max situps
RX+ =30/20# wallball, handstand pushups, & toes to bar
Choose a weight around 55-60% of your snatch. Try to maintain that weight throughout. Choose the appropriate movements that allow you to move the best under a high heart rate. Keep up with the max reps each round, you’ll score each round separate.
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