CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit

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Warm-up (No Measure)


1 set every :30 (5 minute total)

3-5 butterfly/kipping pullups
Gymnsastics. Just a time to focus on your kipping pullups for this years open. If you have butterfly pullups mastered make it a time to focus on timing for you chest to bars. Vice versa if you do not have pullups and it’s a timing issue, this will be great practice. Focus on keeping your core tight and let every movement stem from your midsection. Pinch something between your toes if you have to.

T (5 Rounds for time)

5 rounds for time of:

100-meter sprint

10 squat clean thrusters

15 kettlebell swings

100-meter sprint

Rest 2 minutes

Men: 115 lb. and 2 pood

Women: 75 lb. and 1.5 pood


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