CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)


Back squat x 3 @75%

Strict pullup x 5

1-Leg RDL x 6each

:20 Hollow hold + 5 toes to bar
4 rounds total

1 movement every 1:15. Warmup quick to a 75% back squat. 1 leg rdl with kb/db, heavy but controlled. Pull yourself back up with your glutes and hammys. Hollow rock on floor immediately into 5 toes to bar


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

14 minite AMRAP

15 russian swings 53/35

10 goblet squat

5 push press L arm

5 push press R arm

10/8 cal bike

15/12 cal row

15 box jumps


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