CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Jog down and back
25 Jumping Jacks
25 Mountain Climber
Crab Walk
Bear Crawl
5 Ring Rows
5 Push-ups
10 Situps
Shoulder Prehab
Accessory work
Handstand Push-Up – January/February 2019 Skill
Execute the following complex:
1 Push-up, 1 wall walk, 1 wall-facing HSPU (1 ABMAT if needed), 1 right shoulder tap, 1 left shoulder tap, 1 wall walk to plank, then descend to floor, rest 30 seconds.
2x’s Through the complex, rest 1 minute.
3x’s Through the complex, rest 90 seconds.
2x’s Through the complex, rest 1 minute.
1 Complex
Scaled Options:
1. Do the complex with feet on a 20-in box (1 ABMAT if needed). To increase the difficulty, keep one leg raised.
2. HSPU will be in a pike position (1 ABMAT if needed).
Warm-up (No Measure)
10 Walking lunges
10 Scap Push-Ups
10 Front Squats with a medicine ball
30-sec hold plate OH
4 OH walking lunges
5 MB DL + shrug
5 Shrug + drops w/ pause in the bottom of the squat
Holding Pattern (Time)
3 Rounds for time of:
100ft OH Walking Lunge Plates (45/35)
25 Medicine-ball cleans (20/14)
25 Pull-ups
100ft OH Walking Lunge DBs (50/35)
25 Medicine-ball cleans (30/20)
25 C2B Pull-ups
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