Monday Motivation “Happiness is an inside job. Don’t assign anyone else that much power over your life.”
CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit
Back Squat (2×6 70%; 2×4 75; 3×2 80%)
No tempo but still be firm in the bottom. Think about your mobility and a safe depth for you and hit your positions strong.
Metcon (Time)
For time:
75 Toes to bar,
Every minute on the minute starting at 0:00
8 DB Hang power snatch (4R/4L) 50/35#
8 Air squats
15 minute CAP
Scalable options would be knee to elbow, lying leg raises on a bench or ground, flutter kicks, or sit-ups.
100 Toes to bar,
EMOM 8 snatch (4/4), 8 single arm DB overhead squat
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