CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit
Handstand Push-up Skill Work (10 sets)
2 Minutes:
20 Sec of Handstand Hold; 40 Sec off
2 Minutes of:
20 Sec of Hand Hold with shoulder
taps; 40 sec off
2 Minutes of:
20 Sec max wall walks; 40 sec off
2 Minutes of:
20 Sec max Kipping HSPU; 40 sec off
2 Minutes of:
20 Sec max Stict HSPU; 40 sec off
10 Minute EMOM: if at any point you can not do the HSPU skill asked, scale back to the previous skill. Every 2 minutes skills will get harder. Log max kipping HSPU and max Strict HSPU in wodify.
Metcon (Time)
For TIme:
100 Double Unders
10 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
80 Double Unders
8 Clean and Jerks
60 Double Unders
6 Clean and Jerks
40 Double Unders
4 Clean and Jerks
20 Double Unders
2 Clean and Jerks
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