CrossFit First Creek – CrossFit


Metcon (Time)

With a partner for time

Buy in: 1,500 meter row

3 Rounds:

35 Pushups

34 Wallballs (30/20)

33 Pullups

56 Med ball situps

48 Box jumps (24/20)

47 Suitcase carry lunges

Cash out: 87 cal bike

60 minute time cap 🙂
Year in review:

1.5k = Total PR’s

35 Pushups for Todd Hill’s total PR’s for the year!

34 Wallballs for Derrick W. total PR’s!

33 Pullups for Tommy T. total PR’s!

56 situps for Rebecca’s total PR’s!

48 Box jumps for Jana’s total PR’s!

47 Lunges for Cheri’s total PR’s!

87 bike calories for total number of new athlete signups!

Congratulations to ALL of our athletes on a successful 2017. We wouldnt be here without YOU!!


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